Despite our notable reputation as one of the least corrupt
countries in the world, New Zealand remains subject to criticism for its weak
company laws that are too easily exploited by international crime syndicates.
There is a concern that ‘loop-holes’ in our company laws allow foreign
fraudsters to set up shell companies in New Zealand, which are then used to
conduct fraud such as tax evasion and money laundering overseas.

It has been reported that over the past five years 150 New
Zealand registered companies have committed serious offences in overseas
jurisdictions, such as drug, human and arms trafficking. A further 1000
companies have been identified by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand as
potentially being involved in international financial fraud. Suspicious
behaviour by companies was evidenced late last year where 829 separate
companies were registered as having the same office in Johnsonville. An
investigation by the Ministry of Economic Development has so far seen 1800
companies being struck off the Companies Register for failing to provide
evidence of legitimacy.
The concern that inadequacies in our domestic legislation could cause serious
detriment to our international trade has resulted in a call for law reform.
The Companies and Limited Partnerships Amendment Bill (‘the Bill’) was
introduced to Parliament on 13 October 2011. Its purpose is to reassert and
strengthen our company laws. If passed by Parliament, the Bill will amend the
Companies Act 1993 (‘the Companies Act’) by:
* requiring each company registered in New Zealand to have a director or agent
to be resident in New Zealand,
* granting additional powers to the Registrar of Companies to investigate and
manage non-compliant companies,
* banning directors of non-compliant companies from assuming management
positions in other companies for up to five years,
* striking companies off the Companies Register for supplying inaccurate
information or continued non-compliance with the Companies Act,
* better aligning requirements under the Companies Act with the Limited
Partnerships Act 2008 to prevent similar exploitations, and
* classifying serious breaches of directors’ duties as criminal offences.
Inside this edition

Print version
The Government is also seeking to introduce anti-money laundering legislation
in 2013 to further safeguard and scrutinise the operation of companies. In a
report titled “Strengthening New Zealand’s Resistance to Organised Crime”, the
Ministry of Justice further proposes new laws to effect:
* an improvement of domestic and international information sharing,
* an enhancement of anti-money laundering and crime proceeds recovery
* a reduction of misuse of current legal arrangements,
* protection against cyber-crime,
* prevention of corruption and bribery, and
* the disruption of identity crimes.
It is hoped that these initiatives will give greater confidence in our
domestic company laws and restore our image as a safe country in which to
conduct business.
Although bullying
is nothing new, the digital age has given rise to a new breed of bullying,
known as cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is where the internet, telephones,
computers, cameras or other technology are used to deliberately inflict harm
on another person. Instant communication methods and the ease by which an
offender is able to torment their victim, have led to increasingly severe
consequences for those preyed upon. For example, photographs can be published
and circulated across global jurisdictions in a matter of minutes via the
internet. In such circumstances, it is often very difficult to contain the
multiplication of the photographs, and their permanent removal from
cyber-space is almost impossible. Our society’s growing dependence on
technology has led many to question whether our laws have been able to keep up
with evolving methods of this type of offending.

In October 2010,
the Law Commission undertook a study that assessed the effectiveness of
criminal and civil remedies for defamation, harassment, breach of confidence
and privacy in the digital media environment. The year long study identified
the existence of significant potential harm, particularly for young people
whose lives continue to become entrenched in social media. It also noted that
the current processes were too cumbersome and financially demanding for many
victims of cyber-bullying to pursue a prosecution or civil remedy. In
recognising these challenges, the Law Commission proposes numerous changes to
our legislative scheme to ensure that serious harm caused from digital
communication is covered by appropriate offences. The proposals put forward by
the Law Commission include:
* Ensuring all provisions imposing controls on communication are expressed
widely enough to cover all forms of communication in the digital environment,
by reviewing and amending current statutes,
* Creation of a new offence that makes the malicious impersonation of another
person a criminal offence,
* Creation of a new offence for inciting or encouraging a person to commit
suicide, and
* Creation of a new offence that makes it illegal to publish intimate
photographs of a person without their informed consent.
The Law
Commission further proposes the establishment of a ‘Communications Tribunal’
that would operate at a lower level than the court system. Its purpose would
be to administer prompt, efficient and relatively inexpensive justice to those
significantly affected by unlawful communications. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction
would be limited to cases where it considers the threshold for a breach of the
law has been reached. Remedies available to the Tribunal include financial
compensation to be made to the victim, an apology or a correction on relevant
media networks.
Alternatively, it
is proposed that a Communications Commissioner be appointed either as an
independent body or as an extension of the Human Rights Commission. The role
of the Communications Commissioner would be to provide information, and where
possible, assist in resolving problems informally through mediation. The
Commissioner would also make recommendations to relevant authorities and
individuals where appropriate.
The Law Commission’s proposals have been commended by Netsafe Executive
Director Martin Cocker who stated “it gets to the heart of the problem with
all of this which is that it's very easy to offend against somebody in these
ways but very difficult for people to take action to remedy that.”
Public submissions are currently being sought on the Law Commission’s
proposals. For more information on the proposals, or to make a submission,
please visit
Submissions are
due to close on Monday 12 March 2012. For more information on cyber-bullying
and cyber-safety,
please visit
The Land Transport (Road Safety and Other Matters) Amendment
Act 2011 (‘the Act’) was implemented last year as a response to public demands
for better protection for young drivers. Calls for legal reform were motivated
by the over-representation of young drivers in crash statistics.

The 2010 Ministry of Transport ‘Young Driver Crash Facts’
document reported that drivers aged 15-24 were involved in 112 fatal crashes,
755 serious injury crashes and 3617 minor injury crashes for the year ending
31 December 2009.
The Act introduces significant changes to our road laws such as the blood
alcohol concentration level for drivers aged 20 or younger being decreased
from 0.03 to zero. The minimum age for obtaining a driver’s licence has been
increased from 15 to 16 years, along with further restrictions on the
eligibility criteria for applying for licences in each category. As of 1
August 2011, the minimum criteria for obtaining a licence are as follows:
Learner licence |
16 years old. |
Restricted licence |
16½ years old. Must have held a learner licence
for at least six months. |
Full licence (option 1) |
18 years old. Must have held a restricted licence
for at least 18 months |
Full licence (option 2) |
17½ years old. Must have held a restricted licence
for at least 12 months, and have completed an approved advanced driving
course. |
Stricter impositions on restricted licences are expected to come into force in
mid February of this year. These include making the practical driving tests
more challenging. Learner drivers will also be encouraged to gain at least 120
hours of supervised driving experience
before attempting their restricted licence tests. Although no proof is
necessary, the challenging practical tests are designed to allow only those
with sufficient driving experience to be successful.
The Act provides transitional provisions for drivers who entered the
application process prior to the changes taking effect on 1 August 2011.
A driver may be granted an exemption to obtain a restricted licence at an age
younger than 16½ if they:
* are at least 16 years old,
* have held a learner licence for at least 6 months, and
* have a clean driving record.
A driver may be granted an exemption to obtain a full licence at an age
younger than 18 if they:
* are at least 16 years old,
* have held a restricted licence for at least 18 months (reduced to 12 months
if they have successfully completed an approved advanced driving course), and
* have a clean driving record.

Major changes are also set to take place in March this year in relation to our
give-way rules. From 25 March 2012 at 5:00 am, all traffic turning right will
be required to give way to a vehicle coming from the opposite direction and
turning left at cross-roads, T-intersections and driveways where:
* both vehicles are facing each other with no signs or signals,
* both vehicles are facing give way signs,
* both vehicles are facing stop signs, or
* both vehicles are facing green traffic signals.
For further information on this matter, please visit
The apparent failure of past regulatory regimes to provide
adequate management of financial markets leading up to the recent global
financial crisis (‘the crisis’), has led to a revamp of New Zealand’s 30 year
old securities law. The issues encountered during the crisis highlighted the
need for better enforcement and an overarching regulatory body to better
preserve the integrity of our financial markets. The Financial Markets
Authority (‘FMA’) was thus established as the ‘catch-all’ government agency
responsible for financial regulation, consumer protection and enforcement.
The FMA came into force on 1 May 2011 and is governed by the Financial Markets
Authority Act 2011 (‘the Act’). Upon implementation of the Act, the FMA
usurped all functions and duties of the Securities Commission and Crown
Actuary, which have since been disestablished.
The demise of a number of finance companies during the crisis significantly
damaged the confidence of investors in our financial markets. As such, a key
objective of the FMA is to rebuild confidence through the promotion and
“development of fair, efficient and transparent financial markets.” Other key
functions of the FMA (as provided for in Section 9 of the Act) include:
* to promote confident and informed participation in financial markets,
* to monitor compliance and investigate conduct that constitutes or may
constitute a contravention of the Act,
* to monitor and conduct enquiries and investigations in relation to any
matter concerning the financial markets or its participants, and
* to keep under review all law and practices relating to financial markets.
The FMA has also been granted a greater range of enforcement powers than its
predecessors. One such power (conferred pursuant to Section 29 of the Act)
grants the FMA “power to enter and search a place, vehicle or thing” including
computer files and systems for the purpose of investigating misconduct.
Another key purpose of the FMA is the provision of advice to the Government on
financial policy matters that form the basis of new legislation. As well as
ensuring compliance with all financial market-related legislation,
the FMA also possesses the power to grant exemptions from the law in certain
The enactment of the Auditor Regulation Act 2011 means that auditors will also
soon be falling under the FMA’s regulatory umbrella (at a date yet to be
appointed by the Governor-General). The FMA is due to take over responsibility
for the following:
* accreditation of professional accounting bodies,
* quality review of auditor practices,
* setting minimum licensing standards, and
* enforcement functions.

The Financial
Markets Conduct Bill is also a significant development in the reformation of
New Zealand’s securities laws. It was introduced to Parliament in October 2011
and is expected to become law by 2013. The functions of this bill are largely
consistent with the FMA’s main objectives. The Bill also incorporates elements
of the Fair Trading Act 1986 by prohibiting misleading or deceptive conduct in
relation to financial products. Enforcement of these provisions will be the
responsibility of the FMA as opposed to the Commerce Commission. For more
information on the FMA please visit
www.fma.govt.nz .
International education or ‘export education’ as it is also
known, is somewhat of a gold mine as an export earner for New Zealand. A 320%
increase in revenue was recorded for the period from 1999 to 2008. By 2010,
international education was among New Zealand’s top five export industries,
and contributed approximately $2.1 billion to our economy over the last 12
Despite the crucial role international education plays in our economy,
material shortfalls in its administration and management were identified by
the Government early last year, prompting urgent legislative action. Problems
identified stemmed from a lack of consistency between the multitude of
government agencies involved, as each agency operated under separate policies
and performance requirements. The fragmentation caused by such division was
seen as a limiting factor in a lucrative industry.
The Government also established that there was a significant lack of focus and
direction for international education in terms of a long-term strategy. Unlike
other sectors that operate in accordance with precise statutory guidelines,
the international education sector lacked formal and unified governance.
In an attempt to address the issues identified, the Education Amendment Act
2011 (‘the Act’) came into force on 30 August 2011. Its purpose is to provide
much needed cohesiveness and statutory guidance within the industry. The Act
adds a whole new part to the existing Education Act 1989, and is solely
dedicated to the advancement of international education. A principal change
made by the Act is the establishment of a new Crown Entity known as Education
New Zealand (Education NZ). The core functions of Education NZ (as provided in
Section 270 of the Act) include:
* to deliver strategies, programmes, and activities to promote New Zealand as
an educational destination for international students,
* to manage, in collaboration with other government agencies, activities
undertaken by the Government in relation to international education,
* to carry out research on international education markets and marketing
* to administer any international programmes or activities that are consistent
with the Government's policy on international education, and
* to work with other agencies to ensure that international students are
adequately supported while living and studying in New Zealand.
Another important change brought about by the Act is permitting
the International Education Appeal Authority to make complaints on behalf of
international students. Often cultural and language barriers can deter
students from pursuing legitimate claims and complaints. By enabling an
authority to advocate on behalf of students, such barriers are easily
overcome. The Act also makes provision for improving the quality of education
in New Zealand and imposing stricter accountability measures on private
training establishments.
The host of changes introduced by the Act demonstrates our Government’s
concerted efforts to secure New Zealand as a preferred educational

Snippets |

Tis the season to get
married! So be sure to have your marriage licence sorted ahead of time to
ensure everything goes smoothly – legally at least. To get a licence, one of
the parties to the marriage needs to complete a ‘Notice of Intended Marriage’
application form at least three days before the intended date of the wedding.
As part of completing the application form, the applicants will need to
personally make a statutory declaration in the presence of the Registrar of
Marriages confirming that:
* there is no lawful impediment to the marriage (i.e. no legal reason that the
couple cannot be married),
* that the details given are true,
* that the bride and groom are not within the "prohibited degrees of
relationship" (refer to Schedule 2 of the Marriage Act 1955 about what
constitutes a prohibited relationship), and
* that consent has been given (where relevant).
For more information on the legal requirements for marriages in New Zealand,
contact the Department of Labour or visit
http://www.dia.govt.nz/Services-Births-Deaths-and-Marriages-Marriages .
The Sleepover Wages (Settlement) Act 2011 (‘the Act’) came into force on 18
October 2011 as a result of the Court of Appeal decision in Idea Services Ltd
v Phillip Dickson.
The Court of Appeal unanimously held that sleep-overs by workers constituted
“work” under the Minimum Wage Act 1983. As such, the Act obliges employers to
compensate workers for “back-wages” at the minimum wage rate for sleep-over
work performed from the period 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2011. Employers are
required to contribute 50% towards the liability for each sleep-over falling
within this timeframe with the Crown funding the remaining 50%. Employers are
also required to pay 8% annual leave for the time incurred while an employee
is employed during a sleep-over. To be eligible for a back-pay of sleep-over
wages, employees must have lodged a claim with the Employment Relations
Authority by 2 September 2011.

For more detailed information on this matter, please visit
If you have any questions about the newsletter items,
please contact me, I am here to help.
Scannell & Co - 122
Queen Street East, Hastings
(06) 876 6699 Fax: (06) 876 4114 Email:
information in this newsletter is to the best of the authors' knowledge true
and accurate. No
liability is assumed by the authors, or publishers, for any losses suffered
by any person relying directly or indirectly upon this newsletter. It
is recommended that clients should consult Simon Scannell before
acting upon this information.
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